The Forest Wiki

A selection of tools in the player's inventory.

Tools are items used to assist the player in certain tasks. Many of them are found scattered around the Peninsula (with some being crucial to plot-progression), while others can be crafted at any stage of the game.

Most tools that can be held double as a weapon of varying strength and speed. These items can be used to fend off the cannibals and other enemies the player encounters.

Currently no tools are needed to construct buildings or to craft other items. However, specific tools, specifically axes, may be required to cut down trees to get the materials needed for a building. The first tool you obtain in the game is the plane axe, which can be found right after the introduction sequence.

Axes/Tree Cutting[]

The primary function of axes is cutting down trees to clear areas of forest and gather building/crafting materials. All axes can also be used as weapons, though they may not be the fastest or strongest options. The following lists all axes ranked by their efficiency for cutting down trees:

Handheld Light Sources[]

While fires are a handy thing to build and cook meat on, sometimes the player needs some portable light. The melee weapons require a fire upgrade to be light-able, by attaching cloth first. Attaching cloth and booze to triple the burn length is no longer possible.

Below are the handheld light sources available to the player.


These items can provide additional storage or allow the collection of items.

Miscellaneous Tools[]

Additionally to cutting down trees and illuminating the player's vicinity, there are some tasks that can only be fulfilled by more specialized tools. The list below contains all such tools in alphabetical order:

Axes Plane AxeCrafted AxeRusty AxeModern AxeMacheteChainsaw(Fuel Can) • (Climbing Axe)
Handheld Light Sources LighterTorchFlare Gun(Flare)Flashlight
Inventory Storage Stick Bag(Sticks)Rock Bag(Rocks)Quiver(Arrows)Water Skin(Water)Old Pot(Water)
Miscellaneous Tools MapCompassPedometerPouchRebreather(Air Canister)Repair Tool