The Forest Wiki

Consumables are essential for survival, they can restore or lower health, fullness, hydration, energy, stamina, sanity etc depending on the types of consumable you use.


This table outlines all the values from each consumable. These numbers change quite frequently in The Forest when updates occur, though they are current as of v1.07.

Icon Meaning
IconFullnessSmall Normal and Hard Mode Fullness
IconHydrationSmall Normal and Hard Mode Hydration
IconHealthSmall Normal and Hard Mode Health
IconEnergySmall Normal and Hard Mode Energy
IconFullnessSmall Hard Survival Mode Fullness
IconHydrationSmall Hard Survival Mode Hydration
IconHealthSmall Hard Survival Mode Health
IconEnergySmall Hard Survival Mode Energy
IconCaloriesSmall Hard Survival Mode Calories (Not in normal or hard mode)
IconStaminaSmall Stamina for all difficulties
IconSanitySmall Sanity for all difficulties
IconInventorySmall Storage capacity for all difficulties
IconOldPot Stew ingredient for all difficulties
IconSickSmall 20% chance of making the player sick

Polluted water in hard mode is the same as hard survival, there are no other differences between normal and hard mode with consumables

Normal & Hard Modes Hard Survival Mode All Difficulties
Consumable IconFullnessSmall IconHydrationSmall IconHealthSmall IconEnergySmall IconFullnessSmall IconHydrationSmall IconHealthSmall IconEnergySmall IconCaloriesSmall IconStaminaSmall IconSanitySmall IconInventorySmall IconOldPot IconSickSmall
IconAloe Aloe
5 0 2 2 5 0 2 2 1 0 0 10 IconTickSmall
IconBlackBerries Blackberries
5 10 0 10 5 10 0 10 1 0 0 30 IconCrossSmall
IconBlueberry Blueberries
5 10 0 10 5 10 0 10 1 0 0 30 IconTickSmall
IconSnowberries Snowberries
5 0 -2 10 5 0 -30 10 1 0 0 30 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall
IconTwinberry Twinberries
5 0 -2 10 5 0 -30 10 1 0 0 30 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall
IconBooze Booze
2 50 15 -10 2 50 15 -10 200 0 0 7 IconCrossSmall
IconChicory Chicory
5 0 0 10 5 0 0 10 1 0 0 1 IconTickSmall
IconConeflower Coneflower
5 0 10 0 5 0 10 0 1 0 0 5 IconTickSmall
IconEnergyMix Energy Mix
5 0 0 50 5 0 0 50 0 30 0 5 IconCrossSmall
IconEnergyMixPlus Energy Mix +
5 0 0 100 5 0 0 100 0 60 0 5 IconCrossSmall
IconPlaneMeal Food Tray
36 0 0 80 36 0 0 80 200 0 0 0 IconCrossSmall
IconHealthMix Herbal Medicine
5 0 50 0 5 0 50 0 0 0 0 5 IconCrossSmall
IconMedsPlus Herbal Medicine+
5 0 100 0 5 0 100 0 0 0 0 5 IconCrossSmall
IconMarigold Marigold
5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 IconTickSmall
IconAmanitaMushroom Amanita Mushroom
5 0 -2 10 5 0 -30 10 10 0 0 10 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconChanterelleMushroom Chanterelle Mushroom
10 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 IconTickSmall
IconDeerMushroom Deer Mushroom
10 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 IconTickSmall
IconJackMushroom Jack Mushroom
5 0 -2 10 5 0 -30 10 10 0 0 10 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconLibertyCap Liberty Cap Mushroom
10 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 IconTickSmall
IconPuffMushroom Puff Mushroom
10 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 IconTickSmall
IconSnack Snack
25 0 5 20 25 0 5 20 400 0 0 15 IconCrossSmall
IconSoda Soda
0 50 0 80 0 50 0 80 400 50 0 10 IconCrossSmall
IconMeds Meds
0 0 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 5 IconCrossSmall
IconHead Head
10 0 0 10 10 0 0 10 600 0 -3 1 IconTickSmall
IconRabbitMeat Rabbit - Fresh/Cooked
98 0 20 80 98 0 7 28 600 0 +1 3 IconCrossSmall
IconRabbitMeatEdible Rabbit - Edible/Cooked
61 0 0 40 61 0 0 14 600 0 0 3 IconCrossSmall
IconRabbitMeatSpoiled Rabbit - Spoilt/Cooked
38 0 -2 18 42 0 -10 7 600 0 0 3 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall
IconRabbitMeatBurnt Rabbit - Burned/Cooked
17 -10 0 10 17 -40 0 3 300 0 0 0 IconCrossSmall
IconLizardMeat Lizard - Fresh/Cooked
98 0 20 80 98 0 7 28 600 0 +1 3 IconCrossSmall
IconLizardMeatEdible Lizard - Edible/Cooked
61 0 0 40 61 0 0 14 600 0 0 3 IconCrossSmall
IconLizardMeatSpoiled Lizard - Spoilt/Cooked
38 0 -2 18 42 0 -10 7 600 0 0 3 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall
IconLizardMeatBurnt Lizard - Burned/Cooked
17 -10 0 10 17 -40 0 3 300 0 0 0 IconCrossSmall
IconMeat Meat - Fresh/Cooked
98 0 20 80 98 0 7 28 600 0 +1 4 IconCrossSmall
IconMeatEdible Meat - Edible/Cooked
61 0 0 40 61 0 0 14 600 0 0 4 IconCrossSmall
IconMeatSpoiled Meat - Spoilt/Cooked
38 0 -2 18 42 0 -10 7 600 0 0 4 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall
IconMeatBurnt Meat - Burned/Cooked
17 -10 0 10 17 -40 0 3 300 0 0 0 IconCrossSmall
IconFish Fish - Fresh/Cooked
98 0 20 80 98 0 7 28 500 0 +1 3 IconCrossSmall
IconFishEdible Fish - Edible/Cooked
61 0 0 40 61 0 0 14 500 0 0 3 IconCrossSmall
IconFishSpoiled Fish - Spoilt/Cooked
38 0 -2 18 42 0 -10 7 500 0 0 3 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall
IconFishBurnt Fish - Burned/Cooked
17 -10 0 10 17 -40 0 3 250 0 0 0 IconCrossSmall
IconSmallMeat Small Meat - Fresh/Cooked
38 0 6 32 40 0 3 11 300 0 +1 3 IconTickSmall
IconSmallMeatEdible Small Meat - Edible/Cooked
23 0 0 16 23 0 0 5 300 0 0 3 IconTickSmall
IconSmallMeatSpoiled Small Meat - Spoilt/Cooked
16 0 -2 8 16 0 -10 3 300 0 0 3 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconSmallMeatBurnt Small Meat - Burned/Cooked
6 -10 0 4 6 -40 0 1 150 0 0 3 IconTickSmall
IconLeg Leg - Fresh/Cooked
98 0 20 80 7 0 -5 4 600 0 -3 2 IconCrossSmall
IconLegEdible Leg - Edible/Cooked
30 0 -2 40 3 0 -10 2 600 0 -3 2 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall
IconLegSpoiled Leg - Spoilt/Cooked
20 0 -2 20 2 0 -10 1 600 0 -3 2 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall
IconArm Arm - Fresh/Cooked
98 0 20 80 7 0 -5 4 600 0 -3 2 IconCrossSmall
IconArmEdible Arm - Edible/Cooked
30 0 -2 40 3 0 -10 2 600 0 -3 2 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall
IconArmSpoiled Arm - Spoilt/Cooked
20 0 -2 20 2 0 -10 1 600 0 -3 2 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall
IconRabbitMeat Rabbit - Fresh/Dried
98 -5 20 80 98 -20 7 28 600 0 +1 3 IconTickSmall
IconRabbitMeatEdible Rabbit - Edible/Dried
61 -5 0 40 61 -20 0 14 600 0 0 3 IconTickSmall
IconRabbitMeatSpoiled Rabbit - Spoilt/Dried
38 -5 -2 18 42 -20 -10 7 600 0 0 3 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconLizardMeat Lizard - Fresh/Dried
98 -5 20 80 98 -20 7 28 600 0 +1 3 IconTickSmall
IconLizardMeatEdible Lizard - Edible/Dried
61 -5 0 40 61 -20 0 14 600 0 0 3 IconTickSmall
IconLizardMeatSpoiled Lizard - Spoilt/Dried
38 -5 -2 18 42 -20 -10 7 600 0 0 3 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconMeat Meat - Fresh/Dried
98 -5 20 80 98 -20 7 28 600 0 +1 4 IconTickSmall
IconMeatEdible Meat - Edible/Dried
61 -5 0 40 61 -20 0 14 600 0 0 4 IconTickSmall
IconMeatSpoiled Meat - Spoilt/Dried
38 -5 -2 18 42 -20 -10 7 600 0 0 4 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconFish Fish - Fresh/Dried
98 -5 20 80 98 -20 7 28 500 0 +1 3 IconTickSmall
IconFishEdible Fish - Edible/Dried
61 -5 0 40 61 -20 0 14 500 0 0 3 IconTickSmall
IconFishSpoiled Fish - Spoilt/Dried
38 -5 -2 18 42 -20 -10 7 500 0 0 3 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconLeg Leg - Fresh/Dried
98 -5 20 80 7 -20 -5 4 600 0 -3 2 IconTickSmall
IconLegEdible Leg - Edible/Dried
30 -5 -2 40 3 -20 -10 2 600 0 -3 2 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconLegSpoiled Leg - Spoilt/Dried
20 -5 -2 20 2 -20 -10 1 600 0 -3 2 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconArm Arm - Fresh/Dried
98 -5 20 80 7 -20 -5 4 600 0 -3 2 IconTickSmall
IconArmEdible Arm - Edible/Dried
30 -5 -2 40 3 -20 -10 2 600 0 -3 2 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconArmSpoiled Arm - Spoilt/Dried
20 -2 -2 20 2 -20 -10 1 600 0 -3 2 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconOyster Oyster - Fresh
15 0 3 12 14 1 4 12 10 0 0 10 IconTickSmall
IconOyster Oyster - Edible
14 0 0 12 14 0 0 4 10 0 0 10 IconTickSmall
IconOyster Oyster - Spoilt
0 0 -2 0 0 0 -30 0 10 0 0 10 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconOldPot Old Pot - Clean Water
0 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 1 IconTickSmall
IconOldPot Old Pot - Polluted Water
0 100 -1 0 0 100 -20 0 0 0 0 1 IconTickSmall IconSickSmall
IconWaterskin Waterskin - Clean Water
0 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 1 IconCrossSmall
IconWaterskin Waterskin - Polluted Water
0 100 -1 0 0 100 -20 0 0 0 0 1 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall
IconWaterCollector Drink from Water Collector
0 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 IconCrossSmall
BloodiedFarket Drinking with Hands
0 10 -1 0 0 5 -20 0 0 0 0 0 IconCrossSmall IconSickSmall

Basic Tips

  • Aloe is the only item in the game that can cure infection and sickness.
    • Sickness can be cured by sleeping it off, might take some time.
    • Infection can only be cured by aloe, there is no other way to cure it and it will last permanently
  • All berries and mushrooms can be collected and stored in the inventory with a pouch, this requires 2 rabbit fur to craft.
  • Only meat spoils in the game, everything else stays the same including blueberries and blackberries.
  • Drying racks are required to dry all the meats, it is the only way to dry them. All meats aside from oysters and small meat can be dried. Drying meat takes 8 minutes and 40 seconds in all difficulties.
  • Dried meat has a thirst penalty, -5 in normal mode and hard mode. And -20 in hard survival mode.
  • Burned meat has a thirst penalty, -10 in normal mode and hard mode. And -40 in hard survival mode.
    • Burned meat only has one state, it removed the fresh, edible and spoiled state. Therefore it cannot injure you or make you sick.
  • Stews completely change the values of consumables. It is recommended to check out the stew page for more information.
  • Aloe, Coneflower, and Blueberries can be grown in gardens outside of caves using their seeds.
    • Each day, these plants will grow bigger and yield more and more. Though after a certain number of days they will disappear. The max you can get is 3 from each plant, with blueberry bushes yielding 9 berries each plant.
    • Blueberries will only fit into a garden, they cannot be planted in a wall planter.
    • Aloe and Coneflower can be grown in both the garden and wall planter, there a 2 spots on a wall planter.
    • Marigold and Chicory does not have seeds, and cannot be planted in a garden.
  • All mushrooms can be grown in gardens if the garden is placed in a cave.
    • Mushrooms will spread on their own, they multiply over time. Eventually they will cover an entire garden.
    • Mushrooms never yield more than one, they rely on spores to spread.
  • You can collect water from most fresh water sources, though it will always be polluted.
    • Polluted water can be boiled using the old pot, this will turn it into clean water.
    • Once you have clean boiled water in a pot, you can use the waterskin or another pot to collect and store it.
    • If you have polluted water in a pot, if you hold the pot out in the rain for 28 seconds, it will convert to clean water
  • Aloe and Marigold can be crafted into Herbal Medicine, this is used for basic healing.
  • Aloe, Marigold and Coneflower can be crafted into Herbal Medicine+, this is used for full healing.
  • Chicory and Coneflower can be crafted into Energy Mix, this is used for a major energy boost, and a minor stamina boost.
  • Chicory, Coneflower and Aloe can be crafted into Energy Mix+, this is used for a major energy boost, and a major stamina boost.
  • Arms and legs cannot burn, they will turn to bones instead

Hard Survival Tips
