The Forest Wiki
Circuit Board Crate
Circuit Board Crate
Also known as
Circuit Board Box
Added in
Item type
Obtained through
Not obtainable
Cannot be stored
Other Effects
Contains 1 Circuit Board
Max. Stack

Circuit Board Crates are game objects that contain one circuit board in each crate.


Circuit Board Crates can be found throughout the world. The player will be required to hit the crate with a weapon to open them. Enemies can knock these type of crates causing them to break open. These crates will respawn when you save and exit. They also respawn in caves when you exit and enter the cave again.


  • Circuit Board Crates were in the game prior to v0.20. But that could not be broken and they contained no items.


Update history[]

Version Changes
v0.62 Removed unbreakable boxes – now only breakable box will spawn
v0.54 Fixed some crates in caves not breakable or breaking at the wrong scale/wrong position when hit
v0.51 Flintlock shots now destroy breakable wood object (such as tables and crates) and stalagmites
v0.25 (multiplayer) Breakable crates in overworld are now synced between players
v0.24 (Audio) Added break SFX for wooden objects, cardboard boxes, laptops and effigies

(Audio) Added slide SFX for wooden crates, small cages, tables, rocks, laptops and cardboard boxes

v0.22 (audio) New events added for breaking laptops,cardboard boxes and effigies

(audio) Impact sfx added to cages crates and wooden table Broken crate bits no longer impede player movement

v0.21 All mutants can now interact with swinging bodies, dynamic crates and other objects
v0.20 Small boxes can now be smashed open to recover item inside
v0.06b Fixed some dynamic objects flying up in air on spawning (boxes, suitcases)